This week in astro-weather - high energy, constraints, and more change (some assembly required)

This week brings changes in direction, high energy, potential for conflict & anxiety, and some small amounts of resolution.

Tomorrow, Mars conjoins Jupiter in the middle of Gemini: this is a high-energy, cerebral meeting that seems particularly zany with Gemini’s ruler Mercury trekking backward AND changing signs (from Virgo to Leo).

The middle of Gemini teaches us about polarity, about how every single thought and idea has an opposite. This tendency to think in terms of this-or-that, this-plus-that, this-and-that, might feel endless and spiralling. It might be a good time to use physical activity, play, or games to express excess mental energy!

Saturn tightly squares the Mars-Jupiter conjunction however, constraining our explosive ideas generation, keeping us grounded and cognizant of consequences.

Jupiter square Saturn is the first turning point of an important 20 year cycle that was seeded during the Covid years. It is an aspect that speaks to our effortful reconstruction of society in a time of massive paradigm shifts. It speaks to the balance we need between expansion and contraction, inspiration and effort, optimism and realism.

Look to where Gemini and Pisces fill houses in your natal chart to understand where you are struggling to build something new to sustain you over the next ~15 years. Do you see the sprout of something emerging from seeds you planted during the Covid years?

With Saturn retrograde, you may need to go back and adjust or improve the foundation or structure of whatever it is that you are creating.

As Mars meets Jupiter, retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo, continuing his shaking up of the fire signs. Retrograde Mercury will square Uranus, sparking creative thoughts and highlighting where we feel trapped or hemmed in.

Soon after this return to the royal sign on August 14th, Mercury joins with the spectacular Sun on August 18th, uniting our hearts and mind in divine harmony.

Feel the conceptive potency of the moment! It is a powerful time to express our authentic truth and to create art from the heart.

With the Uranian influence, themes of revolution, liberation, and authenticity reign supreme.

(Blog art by the incredible Georgia O’Keeffe - Feather with Bird’s Bone)

I selected this painting because of the contrast in elements - the lightness of the feather speaks to the air of Gemini that is abundant right now while the bones speak to the reality of Saturn helping us bring something from our mind into form.