I am wishing all of you the most delightful Winter Solstice.
We enter this Capricorn season with Pluto finally departed, at least in our life time.
Capricorn has always been a curious and confusing sign for me, occupying my 12th house (a place into which we have little direct insight or view).
Capricorn has associations with the goat, the devil, the mountain, the bossbabe. An astrologer I admire, Damascena Tanis, describes an association with the beehive.
Perhaps most importantly, Capricorn is associated with matter, and the rules and systems governing matter.
Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn, is the visible planet most distant from our Sun. Where fire and the Sun symbolize the ever-flickering of aliveness, ice and Saturn symbolize death as well as the structure that builds and governs life.
During Capricorn season (in the Northern hemisphere), the Sun is as low in the sky as he can be. This communicates a proximity to Earth, an intimacy with the physical realm.
The Capricorn journey is thus about reacquainting with Spirit, from a place where we are deeply aware of and embedded in earthly matters.
This is why attributes such as competence and resourcefulness come to be associated with Capricorn people. This is also explanation for Capricorn’s association with the devil, as too much entanglement with the physical leads us to forget our spiritual journey.
The depth of earthly competence combined with the quest to reunite with Spirit inspires the Capricorn to aim extremely high and to be very strategic and hard-working toward those lofty aims. One plodding step in front of another, up the mountain, up, up, up, is the journey of our beloved Cap. Do you know one?
Though Capricorn is often associated with CEOs, leaders, and bossbabes, I think this is secondary to Capricorn’s association with systems and competence. Consider the beehive I mentioned above as a natural example of efficiency, productivity, and organization.
During this Capricorn season, I hope some of these aspects of this yin, earthy, feminine sign will inspire you to climb the mountains of your life.
Art by Sidney Hall.