New Moon in Leo with Mercury Retrograde: Hot Air & Troubled Hearts

The New Moon in Leo has only just begun, and Mercury has stationed retrograde, imprinting this lunar cycle with a potential to re-align to Truth. Mercury retrogrades shake things up, showing us (sometimes quite dramatically), where we have been lacking attention and connection to the Divine Pulse.

Mercury appearing to change directions so close to the beginning of a new lunar cycle suggests misunderstandings, turn-a-rounds, confusions, and changes of direction.

Venus & Mercury in early Virgo are picking up on the intensifying aggressive mental energy of Mars-Jupiter in Gemini.

Perhaps you've observed an uptick in the conflictual nature of social media?

I took a 2 break from Facebook while doing readings at the Fringe (last day is today! noon-10 pm on Broadway) and when I re-engaged I honestly felt grossed out by the energy!

So many people are arguing for the sake of arguing and no one has complete information on the most hot, sensationalized topics. The grandeur of Leo energy and the energy from Jupiter seems to have filled people with too much hot air…

Let's embrace that Virgo energy and get a little more humble?

Leo can be loud, but can we re-centre in our hearts and authenticity before beating our chests and blasting out our silly little opinions? Can we not be so proud as to say, ‘oh I was wrong, oh I didn’t know…’

Does it matter? Is this the right platform? What is our goal, our desired outcome? Are we just blowing off steam?

I've already observed people reneging on contracts, refusing to pay money owed, stealing shit from front yards, and ghosting friends of 10 years +.

Gary Caton says that Mercury retrogrades through fire signs (Mercury will soon retrograde back into Leo) gives us an opportunity to burn off detritus in our lives.

May this Leo New Moon remind us of what it means to have integrity, to have harmony between our Divine and human selves, and to walk in a way where we can genuinely hold our heads high.

Energy like this threatens to make me bitter but I am too grateful to sink into that space for too long.

There is a lot of tension, as we collectively struggle to build something new (we are in the midst of an ongoing Jupiter-Saturn first quarter square).

It is much harder and more rewarding to build something than to tear something down.

Some bitter folks seem to have been tearing down posters advertising our upcoming music festival that our team have been hanging over the past week.

Are you being the kind of person spitting opinions, juiced up on what is 'right' and 'wrong', swayed by whatever jives with your ideology? (This is an intoxicating feeling that truly can 'grab' us!! No judgement! But an invitation to consider.)

Are you the kind of person who would rather criticize and destroy what others are building?

Are you the kind of person who ignores the loud messy distracting leaky toxic energy out there to focus on what really matters to your own heart & soul?

Are you building something new?

What is burning away from your life, to make more space for the truth?

Good luck with this New Moon!

Lush Venus by Things of Strings.