The Power of the 29th Degree

I slept fitfully last night, aggravated dreams gnawed at me and the Virgo-induced organizational-in-progress chaos of my home resulted in me stubbing my toe 3 times as I was up to pee in my rather pregnant state.

An intuitive friend messaged me, wondering if I was ok as she had dreamt that I was not.

I have been great, overall. As Pluto shifted back into the 29th degree of Capricorn on Sunday however, I was overcome with a wave of confusing and complicated emotions.

I still feel the fog of these feelings today.

As I was grasping for context to understand my aggravation today, I naturally looked at the chart of the moment. This is one way I use astrology, to help contextualize challenging periods.

Pulling the chart revealed not just 1, but 3 heavenly bodies in the 29th degree: Moon at 29 Virgo (now in early Libra), Mars at 29 Gemini, and Pluto at 29 Capricorn (here for awhile).

I’ve learned from various astrologers (including Adam Elanbaas), and through personal observation, that the anaretic, or final, or 29th degree of a sign delivers crises, challenges, and parting gifts.

Mars in Gemini gave me one final look into how much time and energy social media can suck out of my life, and how little it matters that some people cannot comprehend me even if I speak clearly or plainly or directly.

Moon in Virgo gave me a house in deep disarray, in process of becoming a home that is even more cozy and efficient. Embracing the chaos (note that the Moon in Virgo was passing through a square to Mars all night and into this morning).

Pluto in Capricorn, my natal 12th house, is still revealing its gifts and challenges to me. Something deep is emerging for a final clear, and the timing is perfect - a couple of months before my third baby is born. It is a foggy and painful process, but a total one. And the experience in this energy, the various tools and practices and awarenesses, helps me embrace it as a gift (even when it feels like being frozen in a crisis with no way out).

The only way out is through the gate of the 29th degree.

(Art is Black Iris by the legendary Georgia O’Keeffe)