New Moon & A Kiss From Neptune

Today’s new moon in Pisces occurs with alluring, diffuse, dreamy Neptune.

While January gave us the opportunity to explore the changing landscape of the major foundations that make up our lives, February challenged us with delays and obstacles. March is our opportunity to attune to the more pleasant, expansive, and optimistic vibes of 2019.

As the sap ever so slightly begins to soften in the trees, we too can gently rebound after January and February’s struggles. Perhaps this lunation can act as a chance to refresh your outlook on your current situation and future goals. We have the capacity to feel more trusting of life’s wisdom and rhythm this lunation, and we can dream up rather grand plans and possibilities.

The Mercury retrograde is an interesting one, beginning in the very final degree of the zodiac just after Chiron has left that point. Chiron’s myth shares themes of rejection, struggle, mentorship, pain, and healing. So Mercury, as weaver, connector, and traveller, must backstroke through the oceans of Pisces, contacting Chiron’s wake and slipping into Neptune’s whirling pool. Disorienting? Blurry? Inspired? Wistful? Deceptive? Alluring?

I’d feel foolish to try and ‘predict’ or pin down how this 3-week journey might unfold, but I do feel comfortable suggesting that you set aside time and space to creatively reflect and introspect on your life, dreams, and pains. Non-verbal modes of self-exploration (and in context of relationship) might be especially potent.

Art by Delro Rosco

Queen of Heaven Dances Through Her Lover's Castle

Venus is a glimmering diamond in our skies and her beautiful, cyclical dance with the Sun, as seen from our perspective on Earth, inspired ancient people to dub her with such lovely titles as Queen of Heaven. The ancients watched Venus alternate between her visible and invisible phases, when she regally shines in the night sky, she is Hesperos, when she dares to grace the morning skies before the Sun, she is Lucifer (bringer of light), and when her glimmer is absent from our skies, she visits her dark sister, Ereshkigal, in the Underworld.

Unlike the erratic and less predictable cycle of her cosmic lover Mars, Venus’ dance with the Sun creates a 584-day cycle as measured from one conjunction -when Venus is aligned with the Sun - to the next. During her inferior conjunctions, Venus is directly in between the Earth and the Sun and during her superior conjunctions, Venus is directly behind the Sun from Earth’s vantage point. She alternates between being invisible - when she’s in front of (60 days) or behind the Sun (7-8 days) because the Sun’s glare blots out her sparkle - and visibly shining in the night skies (260 days) or morning skies (260 days).

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Waiting for the knife to drop

Today is a new moon AND a total solar eclipse in the sign of Virgo. New moons are fresh starts, when Sol and Luna kiss in the sky a seed is planted that expresses the themes of that sign. Virgo, one of the most consistently misunderstood signs of the zodiac, presides over the harvest after the fullness of summer. Hard work, sorting, analyzing, serving, cultivating health, daily ritual, and mentoring are all activities belonging to the season of Virgo.

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