New Moon in late Capricorn

The first new moon of 2018 occurs on January 16th late in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is the sea-goat – combining ancient wisdom of the waters with the expanded perspective gleaned from the mountaintops. As the third oldest sign of the zodiac wheel, Capricorn is about making practical and socially-relevant use of individual talents, applying lessons from relationships and spiritual insights, and gaining influence and mastery over one’s physical realm.

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New Moon in late Sagittarius: Saturn's Final Words

Welcome to the final lunation of 2017. Every 4 weeks, the Moon and Sun come together in the same area of the sky for a new moon. A new moon is a seed that just might blossom at the full moon two weeks later, depending on its intrinsic qualities, the nurturance or severity of the surrounding environmental conditions, and the fit between the seed and soil. Astrology lends symbols to this pulsing rhythm of conception, growth, birth, life, death, and re-birth, and the truth involves interconnected and overlapping cycles.

Today’s new moon takes place in the very late degrees of Sagittarius, joining retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. Sagittarius is about the merger of beastly strength and speed with the luminous human intellect. When we set our eyes upon a goal, a dream, or an ideal upon the distant horizon, we must gather up our courage and will and direct all power and attention toward attaining that vision.

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From centerstage to backstage: New moon in Virgo

Ripened fruit upon the vine

Your sleeves are rolled up

The vision is distant

Blurred in its edges

But vast and deep

This dream draws you in

And you are ready

Invigorated and charming

You the discerning one

With the quiet flame

When the wax melts

And the metal tarnishes

You will exhale

Into softer intestines

As rules or delays

Bump into your plans

So perfect the vine

That births the fruit

Even after you weave

Vine into flexible rope

The shadows of decay will

Nip at its junctions

Consuming its strength

And dissolving its function

so what does remain?

gaze at the shadows cast by your proud and waving flag: new moon-solar eclipse in Leo

As creator of ‘’ I’d be remiss not to publish an article about the giant, important, awe-and-fear-inspiring, so-called “Great American Solar Eclipse” that is happening in the late degrees of Leo on Monday, wouldn’t I?

SO MUCH has been written on it, by vague, new-age-y astrologers and excellent, critical, well-researched astrologers and everyone in between. It can be overwhelming to try and contribute something interesting, unique, and fresh.

I don’t wish to repeat what others have said so well, and there are so many layers to this moment in time.

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Rhymes for the New Moon in Cancer

from high skies to fitful streams

sipping on placental dreams


though our eyes & minds may agree

our fallen warrior is moist & moody


to feel warm and safe and surely held

supports paths on which we are compelled


a threat makes our eyes pop wide

do we lash out or run and hide


protecting that which we hold dear

turning away from what we fear


a sweet, supported new beginning

injected with desires of winning


today's lunation in the crab's sign

impresses value on what is mine


be wary as we crawl this moon

enough abounds for all to bloom

Pisces Promises: Renewal In The Dark

For people who follow tropical astrological or solstice-equinox-type of calendars (ie. people in Iran), the spring equinox on March 21st heralds the new year, so by those systems, we are now in the deep dark of the end, where everything dissolves and unwinds and dies to make way for the new.

I love the dark moon chaos stillness so much that I can find the dark moon everywhere: the end of every lunation (every 28 days); the end of the Gregorian year; the end of the Chinese year; the end of each project; the onset of blood time…

With every new life form there exists death and decay.

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