don't knock your corners off going through the door you square

In astrology we speak of different geometrical relationships between planets, from the perspective of the Earth. Today, I'm sharing some thoughts about the square aspect (when 2 planets are 90 degrees apart from each other from the starting point of Earth) because we experience 2 important squares each month - the waxing square between Luna & Sol (first quarter moon) and the waning square between them (third quarter). Next week (Dec 6), we pass through the waxing square of last week's new moon in Sagittarius.

Squares can be read as an impediment to growth.

Moon-Sun conjunction (new moon) was squared by Neptune (around 5 days ago) – whatever seed is planted does not take root because it is too dispersed, too porous, too distracted.

Or, the square might generate enough tension to shift the growth of Moon-Sun in a significant and creative manner: the seed takes root in a supraconscious layer of our experience; an awareness (fire/light) of one’s tendency to escape generates enough heat to drive all resources united toward the cherished goal; the seed is bizarre, glamorous, inspired, ethereal, and delicate.

Maybe the vision needs to be broader, deeper, less bounded, more magickal, more considerate of an expanded sense of existence and compassion.

Neptune is the veil masking raving deities, the lapping waters under a lush velvet sky obscuring the slippery monsters beneath.

The new moon was also imprinted with Saturn, as the Moon, Sun, and Saturn (plus Mercury and Juno) were all in Sagittarius at the time and when planets are together in a sign, they are combined and then expressed.

So while the square placement generates tension and challenge in the style of ‘make it or break it’, conjunctions within a sign appear to simply occur... according to the nature of the planets involved.

With Saturn’s influence on last week’s new moon, all seeds taking root are infused with Saturnian qualities – maturity, commitment, the coalescing of the past – for good

  • dedicating self to a new project, goal, relationship, health initiative
  • making plans that reach into the future based on clear understanding of one’s strengths and circumstances
  • sober judgment in difficult circumstances

or for worse

  • bitter seeds
  • dead seeds
  • fear and inaction
  • overcompensation
  • creation based on past circumstances that no longer support you
  • isolation

As we approach the first quarter 'make it or break it' square of rooting your seeds from last week's new moon (exact early on Dec 6 in Saskatoon, SK), you might consider how these interacting dynamics of Saturn & Neptune, tension & dispersal, growth & dissolution are playing out in your life.

New Moon in Sagittarius: Ready, Aim, Love, Think, Aim, Fire!

At least once or twice a year, I go through a skeptical phase with my astrology studies. Pretty much every astrologer that I trust and follow predicted that Clinton would trounce Trump so after the election results, I was surprised and felt that perhaps the left-wing bias in astrological circles perhaps occluded a fair analysis. Of course astrology is a blend of art and science and no one expects it to be perfectly precise, but I was left feeling dissatisfied for whatever reason.

A lack of faith can motivate action on a new path or a deeper examination of one’s current path. With today’s new moon in Sagittarius co-present with asteroid Juno, serious Saturn, and quick Mercury, tests of dedication, commitment, and faith are central.

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New Moon in Libra: Working For Our Miracle

Today (or tomorrow, depending on where you live) is the new moon in Libra, the beginning of a fresh 28-day lunar cycle. As lovely Luna meets Sol in the sky, a seed is planted, an egg is fertilized, and new urges emerge. In the sign of Libra, the seeds contain new blueprints for relationships. With Jupiter’s influence over this new moon, the dreams contained in our seeds are big and hopeful!

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Waiting for the knife to drop

Today is a new moon AND a total solar eclipse in the sign of Virgo. New moons are fresh starts, when Sol and Luna kiss in the sky a seed is planted that expresses the themes of that sign. Virgo, one of the most consistently misunderstood signs of the zodiac, presides over the harvest after the fullness of summer. Hard work, sorting, analyzing, serving, cultivating health, daily ritual, and mentoring are all activities belonging to the season of Virgo.

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Listen When The Little Bird Sings to You

I need to share a little story about how astrology shows up in my life. Last weekend, I started listening to Annie Lennox – I’d heard her music and her name before but never really connected all of her great songs together and attributed them to her and her overall collection. In fact, when I was 14 or so, I did a jazz dance with a few girls to Annie’s fantastic track, Little Bird, which is now a sure song on my life’s soundtrack. It was a fantastic number and we wore these strange, white, feather-covered unitards that gave us a most unfortunate case of camel toe, but anyway, back to my astrology story…

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Who Knows What's True? Virgo New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

I’m sitting here trying to decipher the rather busy and colourful astrological chart for this early morning’s new-moon-partial-solar-eclipse and I’m just not sure what to say. New moons are the time to start something fresh, so clean your house and make a list of goals. Eclipses are like a super-charged fresh start. That’s what I got so far...

Maybe it’s because I’m approaching my 30s (the initiatory Saturn return in astrology-speak) or maybe it’s because I’m feeling particularly humble but how the hell should I know what is going on? What have I learned in my brief life and studies that can be reasonably and usefully distilled into a little article?

I know what I would like to do: write something that resonates with at least a few people; create something that taps a nerve of truth; share writing that is practical and meaningful; and of course, write something deeper than those numerous, vague, and overly-optimistic new age platitudes.

Based on what I’ve read, effects of eclipses last about 6 months. I haven’t tested this idea yet but my partner and I started a little experiment to do just that.

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