I’m sitting here trying to decipher the rather busy and colourful astrological chart for this early morning’s new-moon-partial-solar-eclipse and I’m just not sure what to say. New moons are the time to start something fresh, so clean your house and make a list of goals. Eclipses are like a super-charged fresh start. That’s what I got so far...
Maybe it’s because I’m approaching my 30s (the initiatory Saturn return in astrology-speak) or maybe it’s because I’m feeling particularly humble but how the hell should I know what is going on? What have I learned in my brief life and studies that can be reasonably and usefully distilled into a little article?
I know what I would like to do: write something that resonates with at least a few people; create something that taps a nerve of truth; share writing that is practical and meaningful; and of course, write something deeper than those numerous, vague, and overly-optimistic new age platitudes.
Based on what I’ve read, effects of eclipses last about 6 months. I haven’t tested this idea yet but my partner and I started a little experiment to do just that.
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I planned to share a post in time for the new moon last Friday but instead I’m sharing this one today during the first quarter phase of the current Leo lunation, which is really fitting given the apparent vibe of the week. First quarter phases are generally associated with challenge and crisis – we face a little test of endurance to see how committed we truly are to creating what we planted at the new moon one week prior.
Friends of friends dying. Unemployed friends feeling lost. Disillusionment. Dramatic, emotional outbursts. Constrained resources. Illness. Binges. Childhood memories disintegrating. Relationships dissolving. Sexual exploration. New highs and ugly lows. Ecstatic dreams. Connections with friends. Temptation.
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The new moon began last night, July 15th, at 7:24 pm here in Saskatoon. New moons signify the beginning of a fresh 28-day cycle, so take some time to clean your house, wrap up any old tasks if you haven’t already, and enjoy some quiet time to set some new goals or intentions.
During the new moon phase Luna’s light is absent, so symbolically speaking, any seed, idea, or dream can be planted in this rich, dark void of possibility. The Moon merging with the Sun from an earthly vantage point is a brief joining of the unconscious and conscious, a moment to simultaneously open up and choose. Some of your ideas will take root and come to fruition at the full moon in two weeks time and others will rot, feeding the soil for the future instead.
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Today is a new moon. Enjoy some solitude, clean your house, and spend a few moments dreaming up some wonderful possibilities that you would love to experience in your life over the next few weeks.
A new moon occurs when the two luminaries, Sol and Luna, align in the same part of the sky. Initiating a 28-day cycle, each new moon phase gives us a fresh start. Kick a habit, plant some real or figurative seeds, write a list of goals, trim your toenails… simply make an effort through your actions to express your readiness for something new.
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Did you know that today, April 16, 2015, marks the 72nd anniversary of Dr. Albert Hoffman’s accidental discovery of the powerful hallucinogen LSD?
In celebration of this pivotal day in the history of human consciousness, I’ve done a brief analysis of Dr. Hoffman’s astrology chart.
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