I haven't felt the way I feel today in so long it's hard for me to specify...

Goodbye, nice to know you, to know you

We are entering Scorpio season now, with our Sun fresh from a clarifying and FINAL square to Pluto in Capricorn. Do you see it? Feel it? We are integrating and closing a long and transformative chapter that began in 2008.

Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius for good on November 19, 2024. So many of us are pondering and researching and feeling into what Pluto through Aquarius offers for humanity (cryptocurrency, AI, technocracy, cults, etc) but today as I continued on with my current Incubus kick, I am drawn to reflect and sink into the beautiful and spacious sense of having accomplished or achieved something real.

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The Power of the 29th Degree

I slept fitfully last night, aggravated dreams gnawed at me and the Virgo-induced organizational-in-progress chaos of my home resulted in me stubbing my toe 3 times as I was up to pee in my rather pregnant state.

An intuitive friend messaged me, wondering if I was ok as she had dreamt that I was not.

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This week in astro-weather - high energy, constraints, and more change (some assembly required)

(Blog art by the incredible Georgia O’Keeffe - Feather with Bird’s Bone)

I selected this painting because of the contrast in elements - the lightness of the feather speaks to the air of Gemini that is abundant right now while the bones speak to the reality of Saturn helping us bring something from our mind into form.

This week brings changes in direction, high energy, potential for conflict & anxiety, and some small amounts of resolution.

Tomorrow, Mars conjoins Jupiter in the middle of Gemini: this is a high-energy, cerebral meeting that seems particularly zany with Gemini’s ruler Mercury trekking backward AND changing signs (from Virgo to Leo).

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