On Sunday, July 21, we experience a second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn (what some astrologers are calling a ‘true blue moon’).
This feels significant for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, the Full Moon occurs at 29 degrees, the final degree of the sign.
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My relationship to reading for pleasure waxes and wanes, unlike my husband, who, since the beginning of our relationship, I’ve observed to read at least a few pages of a book every single night. I’ve spent much time reading dry, scientific papers during the day, or mindlessly scrolling social media content, that sometimes reading at night, for pleasure, isn’t pleasurable.
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This reflection on Aquarius is dedicated to the memory of Varya, who was born with the Moon in the final degree of Aquarius.
There has been much discussion of Aquarius and Pluto this week in astrology-land, given that former planet Pluto has now ingressed the second-to-last sign of the zodiac.
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Ooh la la we are on the cusp of a shift in energy today! This shift slowly draws us into the growing eclipse portal of next month.
Today Luna moves into her first quarter phase with our Sun. The first quarter phase will occur in the final degrees of mutable Virgo (Sun) and mutable Sagittarius (Moon).
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The cazimi (clarifying midpoint of Mercury’s retrograde) earlier this week gifted me with an illuminating session with my physiotherapist. I learned that I have been breathing incorrectly for many years. What a gift to undo this longheld pattern that holds me back from feeling freer in my chest and expression.
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