Astrology by Nataleo

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Full Moon at 29 Capricorn

On Sunday, July 21, we experience a second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn (what some astrologers are calling a ‘true blue moon’).

This feels significant for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, the Full Moon occurs at 29 degrees, the final degree of the sign. This degree, called the anaretic degree, is one of pressure, crisis, finality, skillfulness, testing, and change. Planets at anaretic degrees can indicate highly developed skill in a particular area, or they might feel full of pressure, as if you need to get something just right this time around.

Full Moons tend to bring culmination and release by their nature. So an anaretic Full Moon is especially useful for releasing the old and clearing away what has become stagnant.

These themes are even more alive right now, because Pluto has been dredging up and deeply healing material in the Capricorn sector of our chart since 2008.

This summer we experience 2 full moons in Capricorn without Pluto’s rays. Pluto will briefly return to Capricorn via retrograde later this year, but for now, these 2 subsequent full moons can reveal to us how we have grown over the past several years.

You might reflect on your life, broadly, from 2008 until now. You might consider what themes or experiences highlighted over the last month are showing you how deeply you’ve changed. You might consider where the Full Moon tension is building in your life.

I’d love to hear any reflections in the comments below!